Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 92

No shirts, Cars, and crackers. Its a pretty good representation of the day. lol

Day 91

It must be spring. First lawn mowing of the season.

Day 90

Sorry we skipped 6 days. We were all sick as dogs. I guess I could post screen shots of Pixar movies and that would be a good representation of that week lol.

Day 83

Tillamook Cheese Factory

Day 82

Day 81

OHSU Gondola

Day 79

Some extra Pictures since I missed 77 & 78

Day 76

Kids are Gross, and Im obviously not a germaphobe since I took a picture before I made him stop.

Day 75

Our Date to go see "Wicked"

Day 73

March 17

Day 71

Apple Sauce

Day 72

Family Birthday Party at Pizza Parlor

Day 70

March 14th
Happy 6th Birthday Kate!

Day 68

Day 67

Day 66

No pictures on 64 & 65 since we were all just a bunch of sickies hanging around the house.

I caught Pink eye. EWE

Day 63

Aunt Kara being crazy up Latourelle Falls

Day 62

March 6th
With Kyle and Aunt Kara at the Nike Campus

Day 61

Poor Sick Ty and I in the middle of the night.

Day 60

Day 59

He is a gooey Pink Eyed snotty mess